Will AI Replace Lawyers? AI Applications in Law

Will AI Replace Lawyers? AI Applications in Law


Will AI replace lawyers? People have been asking this question since the late 1980s, even before the internet was invented. Since the first conferences on AI in law, attorneys have debated on whether or not AI will one day replace humans in the field.

The good news is, the answer to this question is straightforward: no, AI will not replace lawyers anytime soon. Just over 20% of a lawyer's job can be automated, which leaves attorneys more time to spend on the most important tasks.

Applications of artificial intelligence in law

applications of artificial intelligence in law heading image


AI-powered billing software can streamline the invoice creation and submission processes for firms. In addition to automatically calculating hours, AI can also ensure compliance with service-level agreements and federal regulations. This helps prevent disputes and potential

Some software even comes with built-in budgeting capabilities, helping firms better manage their revenue. With AI, attorneys can save time on billing to spend on doing what they do best: serving their clients.

Due diligence

Artificial intelligence can automate a range of tasks, like researching, writing, managing, and reviewing contracts. Not only does this free up time for attorneys and paralegals, but it also significantly reduces human error and time spent on reviewing documents.

This isn't just speculation — it's been proven. A 2018 study found that lawyers who spent an average of 92 minutes reviewing 5 non-disclosure agreements for errors were 85 percent accurate. Meanwhile, AI was 92 percent accurate and spent just 26 seconds reviewing the same number of contracts. While AI was only 7 percent more accurate, it took much less time to finish the job.

AI in law due diligence

Legal research software like ROSS streamlines the research process with innovative features like processing search queries, analyzing documents, and summarizing cases. Document discovery tools can also help lawyers compile a case by packaging relevant sources.

These processes are typically part of due diligence, the time-consuming process by which attorneys confirm facts related to the case. AI drastically reduces time spent on due diligence, prevents mistakes, and ensures compliance throughout the legal process. These applications of AI in law can even be used to predict the outcome of a case.

Selecting jurors

Selecting jurors is another useful application of artificial intelligence in law. AI can review a juror's prior service and the verdicts of those trials to determine whether they'd be a good fit for a case. Algorithms can also review a candidate's political affiliations to flag any inherent bias.

Some applications of AI in law take these capabilities a step further. Some experts predict that, if AI is fully integrated into the courtroom, it can analyze jurors' facial expressions to determine how they feel and predict their opinion on the verdict. This is just a potential application of artificial intelligence in law that has not been widely implemented.

Verify clients' identities

Just like facial recognition may one day assess jurors' emotions, it can also verify client identities to prevent fraud. Documents are forgeable, but facial recognition doesn't lie. Police departments are already using facial recognition tech like Clearview to identify suspects or other people of interest. Users upload a photo, and then the software runs it through a database of millions of public-access images to return potential matches.

Online courts for small civil cases

Experts predict that artificial intelligence will one day process minor cases. This would help relieve an overburdened justice system, slash time spent in the courtroom, and reduce emotional distress and court costs for plaintiffs and defendants.

artificial intelligence in law online courts

One of the most compelling use cases for automated cases is divorce. Software like Wevorce can process divorce hearings entirely online. Couples need only sign up for their account to create custody agreements, settlements, and even consult with a judge.

Capture leads and serve clients with webchat for lawyers

At the end of the day, firms still need to generate leads and revenue. Automated webchat for law firms is an efficient way to do that.

One of the major advantages law firms have when it comes to online presence is user intent. Chances are, if a visitor lands on your firm's site, they already need your services.

Automated webchat platforms like ZyraTalk acts as a greeter and a customer service agent. And webchat gives prospects space and time to detail their legal concern discreetly, using their preferred platform.

Dealing with legal matters makes people understandably anxious, especially those with little experience. Webchat can help relieve that fear by providing instant answers to pressing questions. It can also automate other tasks, like scheduling consultations, capturing leads, and securing conversions.

Omnichannel solutions like ZyraTalk integrate with other systems, like Google Analytics, Facebook Messenger, and CRM systems. Conversational marketing that integrates all your channels helps you track and analyze your marketing efforts in one place.

Plus, with ZyraTalk, you can also send and receive text messages and integrate your Facebook Messenger bot right into your ZyraTalk dashboard.

Artificial intelligence in law: wrapping up

The fear that AI will replace lawyers has persisted for over 3 decades. As a result, attorneys and judges are still hesitant to fully integrate AI into the justice system.

AI is already a major advantage for firms that choose to use it. But soon, it will be a deal-breaker when it comes to winning new, loyal clients and staying one step ahead of the competition.

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