20 Insightful Quotes About Marketing to Inspire Your Team

20 Insightful Quotes About Marketing to Inspire Your Team


There's nothing quite like a quote to spark your creativity and boost your motivation. In the age of the tweet, it's no wonder why we love bite-sized nuggets of wisdom that pack a punch. Let's dive into 20 of our favorite marketing quotes from some of the world's best-known marketing moguls, authors, and bloggers.

Quotes from marketing moguls

quotes about marketing

1. "You don't need to measure the ROI of everything in marketing." — Dave Gerhardt

2. “Make your marketing so useful people would pay you for it.” — Jay Baer

3. "People buy with emotions and justify with logic." — our very own CMO, Bradley Scruggs

Marketing quotes from bestselling books

quotes about marketing

4. “Write like you talk. Often.” – Seth Godin, The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly?

5. “Psychologists tell us that in order to learn from experience, two ingredients are necessary: frequent practice and immediate feedback.” — Richard H. Thaler, Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics

6. “Marketing is about spreading the love.” — Jonah Berger, Contagious: Why Things Catch On

7. "Nobody can tell you what to stand for, or how your values, wants and needs should intersect with those of your customers and then manifest as a business, an idea or an experience. Figuring out the destination is hard—but recognising it is more valuable than knowing exactly how you’re going to get there.” — Bernadette Jiwa, Marketing: A Love Story: How to Matter to Your Customers

8. "Your customers don't buy your product to do your company a favor,” Eghbal said. “They're doing it because your product makes their lives better. So if you want to sell something, you need to explain how you're helping them.” — Ann Handley, Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content

9. “People do not want to be enlightened about you (get to know you more) unless they are curious about you (you have something that can help them survive), and until they are enlightened about how you can help them survive, they will never commit.”  — Donald Miller, Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide StoryBrand Guide for Any Business

10. “Product distinctions, the historic centerpiece of product marketing, exist only briefly—and in the prospects’ minds, often not at all.” — Harry Beckwith, Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing

11. “Why do we market to people the way we hate to be marketed to?” — Scott Stratten, UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging.

12. "No amount of technology can really improve the situation as long as companies are set up to market products rather than cultivate customers." — Harvard Business Review's 10 Must-Reads on Strategic Marketing.

13. “Your brand is your reputation, and it lives in the minds of your audience. It’s what your audience says it is, not what you say it is.” — Meera Kothand, Your First 100

Quotes from top marketing blogs

quotes about marketing

14. "Brand equity is the combination of customer perception, experience, and opinion about your company. Brand equity can have a direct impact on sales and reputation for businesses. Measuring brand equity involves customer knowledge, public perception, and finances. Customers are a no-brainer; Their opinion is the number one source of brand equity, but it shouldn't be the sole indicator. " — Kayla Carmicheal, "The Plain English Guide to Brand Equity", Hubspot Marketing Blog

15. "Don’t expect any single source to know all of the places your prospective customers are digitally spending their time; and new ones keep popping up daily. Sometimes the best way to find your destination is by asking locals for advice on which routes to take." — "To Keep Them, You First Need to Get Them!" from the 1SEO blog

16. "Marketing is a zoo. From the chirping birds of social media to the hippos who dominate meetings, we’re a diverse bunch. But there are two types of marketers who are very special to me: the turtles and the rabbits. You know the story: slow tortoise, fast hare. These are the strategists and optimizers. One loves the big, new ideas and the other loves the ongoing, iterative improvements. It’s revolution versus evolution. The 10x marketer and the 10% marketer." — Andy Crestodina, "Two Types of Digital Marketers: The Tortoise and The Hare", Orbit Media Studios Blog

17. "We can all learn from our failures, but isn’t it so much more exciting to build on our successes?" — Rena Gadimova, "Marketing Automation Can Improve Your Creative Team’s Workflow", Marketo Blog

18. "I’d rather have 50 customers worth $1,000 each than 1,000 customers worth $50 each." — Mark Spera, "Why Lifetime Value is the Most Important Metric for Any Business", Growth Marketing Pro Blog

19. "When marketing meets AI, magic happens." — Colin Loughran, "Artificial Intelligence Will Change How You Do Marketing in 2021", the Unbounce Blog

20. "A key to building a strong network is figuring out the best way to engage with your buyers and starting a conversation by simply being a compassionate and empathetic human being." — Jen Gutman, "The When, Where, How and Why of B2B Social Selling", the Oktopost Blog

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